Thursday, July 23, 2020

SP Example

SP Example SP â€" Assignment Example > Table of ContentsNumber range 1-3INTRODUCTIONInformation security policies and strategies are based on a set of guidelines and rules that promote standardized response to some information security issue that can be come across, as a result permitting a team of IT experts to instantly recognize what is being performed in some situation. In addition, information security policies should be placed into situation by any enterprise that has a computer and communication network. However, this kind of policies are very complicated to plan as well as implement, but sound information security policies formulated simply to facilitate an operation to care-for its data with relative ease (Elemental Cyber Security, Inc. , 2011; Levya et al. , 1999). Moreover, information security policy is normally believed to be extremely helpful, profitable and beneficial when an organization is going to start new information technology based project. Additionally, the process and general development of info rmation security policy is sometimes executed in an ad hoc way, however it can be assumed through support of frameworks. In fact, some of these frameworks comprise the codification of existing practice, as others are the outcome of theoretical information system development (Elemental Cyber Security, Inc. , 2011; Levya et al. , 1999). This research report discusses the development of information security policy document for University of Wales, Newport, City Center Campus’s New Digital Forensic and information technology laboratory setup. BACKGROUND University of Wales, Newport, City Center Campus has decided to implement a new technology based Digital Forensic and IT laboratory. For the establishment of such a technology based arrangement we need to keep in mind some of the important aspects of the technology based working and operation. In this scenario we need to consider a lot of critical security related issues and possible attacks those can damage the corporate credibility. Here we need to take care of information and data that need to be managed and maintained for the enhanced corporate performance. CONTEXT FOR IT SERVICE DELIVERY The new technology of University of Wales, Newport, City Center Campus is aimed at offering and delivering enhanced Digital Forensic and information technology laboratory services and management of the corporate data. The new technology is aimed at improving the following areas of the organization: Effective data detection Enhanced data security Better data quality No PlagiarismStudents work assessment Quality knowledge production New mobile technology Easy way of workingBetter data collection Easy management of the data Less confects among data formatsEasy data sharing among all division of the corporate Less or no dirty data METHOD AND APPROACH For the sake of development of the information security policy document for University of Wales, Newport, City Center Campus, we will address the following main questions: Main te chnology needs Possible issues in data Security needsPossible attacks sides Security Attacks nature What technology we having currently What type of facilities are required How can be obtain main objectivesSecurity management needs Security handling tools and technology OBJECTIVE OF SECURITY POLICY As developing a high-quality security policy document will be able to offer the basic support for flourishing accomplishment of security associated projects in the future, this is without a hesitation the initial evaluation that has to be formulated in an attempt to minimize the risk of illegal utilization of some of the precious university's information resources. For University of Wales, Newport, City Center Campus project for Digital Forensic and information technology laboratory implementation; we are going to develop an information security policy that would be aimed at improving the university's security that is the opening of exact yet enforceable safety policy, notifying staff a variety of features of their tasks, general access of university resources as well as describing how responsive information have to be handled. Additionally, the strategy will as well explain in future the meaning of satisfactory utilization, and listing forbidden tasks (Danchev, 2010; Ruskwig, 2011; Abu Dhabi Government, 2011).

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