Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Douglas Stuart and Gordon Essay

People may believe that they do not need any hermeneutical training, but a general reading of the book How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Fee and Stuart is essential for Christians who have any inclination towards scripture. The guidelines and rules outlined in the book are very good and some of them are very well developed from the point of view of interpreting and understanding scripture. For the Bible student and the inquiry seekers, the book is an excellent tool for teaching. Douglas Stuart and Gordon Fee have displayed their competencies in making the interpretation of the principles of the Bible available to present day readers. While Gordon Fee is an Old Testament scholar, Douglas Stuart is a student of the New Testament and they have covered in the book matters relating to translations, the legendry genres of poetry, parable, narratives and epistles and the meanings conveyed in the writings that were presented to their original audiences. The authors have shown how the right interpretations require different ways of exegesis as per the literary texts being studied in terms of Wisdom, Apocalypse, law and Wisdom. When considering New Testament Epistles, it is realized upon reading the book that the authors have given excellent advices in saying that the book should be treated as letters. This implies that individuals must read the book several times just as they would read letters from their close ones and then try to understand the meaning conveyed in them. It is very important to understand that the text aims at revealing the concept that the book was written to address a specific audience in order to make them understand the intricacies of Christianity. It is not possible for a reader to be extra subjective in trying to apply the different passages from the scripture to his or her own life particularly when a specific passage does not connote the meaning as believed by the reader. The book has lot of positive components and attributes that make it an excellent piece of reading. It effectively describes the complication and difficulty faced in translation and provides general principles and rules of effective interpretation. It endorses the consideration of the cultural and historical perspective and observes the writing styles and genres used in the books, and also suggests being cautious against any kind of misinterpretations. The authors have presented an easy to understand style which brings forth the art of biblical interpretations within the reach of the normal human being in a way that make the study of the Bible very rewarding and interesting. The book provides recommendation for the use of bible translations, concordances and dictionaries as facilitation to the studies. The back cover has clearly explained about the book, â€Å"In clear, simple language, it helps you accurately understand the different parts of the Bible—their meaning for ancient audiences and their implications for you today—so you can uncover the inexhaustible worth that is in God’s Word. † The authors have exhibited certain negative attributes especially in regard to some specific viewpoints which every reader may not agree with. For example, the material available in Acts and the Epistles was more relevant during the days when the texts were written and is considered a much lesser positive aspect in the viewpoint of King James and New King James Bible. The present day international version of the Bible is known to be much influenced by feminism while the translation versions of the Bible, especially the English Standard Version, are not much influenced by feminism. This is considered as being more sought after as the Dynamic Equivalence way of translation. Some scholars have come to believe that all hermeneutic theories have not been adequately dealt with by the authors. Since one of the authors is said to be an associate of the Assemblies of God Church, he has made some critics to point that the hermeneutics have been presented in his style. There have been several allegations of the flow of content being difficult while the style of writing has not been up to the mark. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth guides the reader in a way that he or she can handle the Scripture in a better way, and teaches how misinterpretations can be avoided by using the context properly. The entire book emphasizes the importance of holistic reading of passages as per the over all substance of Scripture. Quirky doctrines and bad exegesis are the result of instances when passage and biblical statements are taken out from the theological, historical or cultural contexts and focused on aspects that are away from the whole of the revelation. In this context the introduction in the books has aptly explained that, â€Å"The aim of good interpretation is not uniqueness; one is not trying to discover what no one else has ever seen before. Interpretation that aims at, or thrives on, uniqueness can usually be attributed to pride (an attempt to ‘out clever’ the rest of the world), a false understanding of spirituality (wherein the Bible is full of deeply buried truths waiting to be mined by the spiritually sensitive person with special insight), or vested interests (the need to support a theological bias, especially dealing with texts that seem to go against that bias). † It is realized that the authors have made powerful points when one tries to understand the historic tests of the Old and New Testaments. They firstly make a case in favour of reading these books in order to see the activities of God in the matters pertaining to His Church and Israel. Hence these books are better understood if they are divided into separate sections that should be read as a successive account of deliverance history. Additionally the authors have warned that the passages should not be decontextualized and allegorized since such actions become tempting while reading historical narratives which do not appear to have much spiritual and theological importance. Significant points have been made by the authors in enhancing the awareness of the gospels. It is initially affirmed that some knowledge of the historical texts is important and crucial and that one is at a disadvantage if he or she is not conversant with Mediterranean culture of the 1st century. Secondly, it helps to read accounts of similar gospels and understand the minor differences which can enhance the understanding in regard to the audiences that the gospels intend to address and the kind of message that the authors are aiming to convey in those instances. It is established in the entire book that, as a rule, one must think and read in paragraph form to make the best and most meaningful use of the books. The treatment of the legal books of Hebrews is very impressive. The authors make a strong point that the given laws were specified for Israel in order to make them get benefits by understanding and applying them to the Israeli people. This point is considered valid by the authors but they also point out that there needs to be a precise way of teaching that the law did not emphasize upon. Moreover, the New Testament is no longer binding on the people today and is not considered by the authors as a strong argument. The laws that condemned rape, incest, homosexuality and bestiality were not specifically stated by Jesus, but they are believed to be true and applicable today also. The book is concluded in dealing with revelation, wisdom literature and psalms. However there is nothing new or revolutionary in these narrations which include strong and sound advice in regard to some negligible points of contention. Although the book cannot be considered exhaustive as a guide it is undoubtedly the best in enabling the understanding and reading of the Scripture. In essence, the book has aptly demonstrated how the Bible should be read theologically through the eyes of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ instead of the overtly idealistic and literalistic methods. Bible reading is revealed as being not only informative but also resulting in the positive transformation of human beings. Bibliography Fee Gordon D and Stuart Douglas, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, 2003, Zondervan

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Organizational Change

Organizational Change Plan-Part One The use of mobile technology for health care professionals, including personal digital assistants (PDAs) has increased exponentially in both clinical practice and nursing education (Farrell & Rose, 2008). Some evidence exists that the use of a PDA in health care settings may improve decision-making, reduce the numbers of medical errors, and enhance learning for both students and professionals (Nilsson, 2008); for these reasons, the Learning Technology Committee (LTC) at Sinclair Community College (SCC) explored the benefits of nursing students using the PDA at the bedside in the clinical setting.The committee proposed a change, Project PDA, to implement the use of PDA among novice nursing students and faculty. The following paragraphs will focus on the assessment and plan of the Project PDA; and examine the rationale for the change, barriers to change, influences on change, application of a theoretical model and resources available to support t he change initiative. Rationale for Change Healthcare is a dynamic and evolving field of knowledge. Nursing students are trying to learn and implement this large amount of information at a rapid pace.Nursing students are generally unsure of their skills, feel insecure about their knowledge level, and lack self-confidence (Fisher & Koren, 2007). Many advantages have been seen with the use of the PDA, such as time savings, reduction of errors, and ease of use (Miller, Shaw-Kokot, Arnold, Boggin, Crowell, Allegri, Blue, & Berrier, 2005). Through the use of the PDA, it is thought, the nursing student will have reduced stress, fear, and improved self-confidence (Martin, 2007). Students will benefit from gaining immediate access to resources at the point of care, become more efficient, and spend more time focusing on patient care.PDAs will provide a bridge for students to apply theoretical learning to practice and foster the development of critical reasoning skills and professiona l autonomy. Nurse educators will need to develop creatively new, innovative models of teaching to keep up with changing society and technological advances in nursing practice (Jeffries, 2005). Adopting this new technological process will ensure SCC is keeping up with the trends of technology in nursing education. Organizational and Individual Barriers to Change Organizational change is a complicated process and is likely to be met with resistance.According to Borkowski (2005), resistance may originate from two sources: organizational barriers and individual barriers. These barriers threaten to impede change success. In an effort to avoid change failure, management must identify and understand potential barriers to change. Organizational barriers are typically beyond the control of management and may be perceived as insurmountable, which in the early stages of change can prove to be futile (Borkowski, 2005). Two potential organizational barriers to implementing Project PDA are cultur al complacency; and the lack of financial and technology resources.The first barrier was cultural complacency. Spector (2010) suggests that organizational culture may enable and create barriers to change. The nursing department has functioned like a well oiled machine as result of shared values and beliefs among faculty and students; subsequently creating a complacent atmosphere. Management must change the culture of the nursing department to engage faculty and students; and promote behaviors in line with the proposed change. The second barrier was the lack of financial and technology resources.The college was in the midst of a new levy campaign and there were no current funds allocated in the nursing department budget for technology improvements including the purchase of equipment. The college does not own PDAs for the students or faculty to use. No process was in place for technical support if students were to experience challenges with the device. The individual barriers identifi ed included lack of motivation, staff support, and computer competency. Faculty and students may lack motivation if they perceive the change will disrupt the status quo, or the preference for the current situation (Borkowski, 2005).The lack of support and acceptance of the new technology by other clinical staff and faculty is one of the key challenges of implementing new technology into educational programs (Farrell & Rose, 2008). Some students and faculty are computer literate, but many are less familiar and lack experience with computer systems. As a result, it will take time for students, faculty, and clinical staff to become comfortable with using the PDA. Factors of Influence The college’s readiness to change could lead to success or failure.The change itself is not the reason, but the organization’s culture of environment and the employees respect, trust, and attitude toward the management implementing the change (Krause, 2008). The attitudes of faculty and s tudents may directly affect how responsive and committed they will be to the change process. The factors of influence within any organization may originate or draw in part on the quality of leadership (Krause, 2008). The leaders must implement strategies to communicate the value of the change, establish a coalition, and empower all participants to become change agents.Theoretical Model Kurt Lewin’s change theory was the theoretical framework selected for analyzing the change process involved in adopting the use of PDAs in the clinical setting as planned in Project PDA. Lewin’s change theory identified three stages in the change process-unfreeze, move, and refreeze. To unfreeze leaders must create a sense of disequilibrium to motivate change. A pre-pilot survey completed by the LTC revealed students and faculty believed time management was the priority challenge for students in the clinical setting.PDA use is expected to improve time management skills. In stage two, cha nge is implemented. Students and faculty will be required to use the PDA during clinical for access required textbooks and other resources. The final stage, refreeze, the change is cemented into the organization’s culture (Spector, 2010). The LTC will evaluate the change process, communicate progress, maintain support structures, reinforce required behaviors and encourage continued commitment to sustain the change. Internal and External ResourcesBorkowski (2005) noted managers must be certain adequate resources are available to implement change and ensure organizational goals are met. The nursing department at SCC is fortunate to have access to internal and external resources needed to support efforts to implement Project PDA. A strong organizational structure facilitates collaboration within the department. Webinars will be used for faculty and student development. The nursing department secured grant funding to purchase 16 i-Touch devices for faculty. Students will use fina ncial aid to purchase the PDA and software undle. E-book resources will be made available through contracted publishing vendors. Learning and troubleshooting tutorials will be included with the software as well as the Sinclair Help Desk will be available for technical support. Information technology has integrated in the health care delivery systems to include the use of personal digital assistants (PDA) and other computer devices (Fisher & Koren, 2007). Teaching institutions are being challenged to keep up with the trends in technology and meet demands for use of hand held devices.In response to this challenge, SCC proposed to implement Project PDA. Students and faculty will begin using PDAs in the clinical setting. The use of these devices will provide real-time access to important resources enabling medical personnel and students to manage point of care activities more efficiently (Lee, 2006). As a result, students will be less stressed, more confident, and more competent hea lth care providers. Change may be complicated by organizational or individual barriers.The specific barriers were identified as cultural complacency, lack of financial and technology resources, employee motivation, staff support, and computer competency. Organizational change in the nursing department at SCC could be influenced by the nursing department’s readiness for change; and the attitudes of faculty, students, and clinical staff toward the change. The Kurt Lewin change theory was applied to Project PDA examining the three stages of the change process. Leaders at SCC have access to internal and external resources necessary to implement the proposed change.The presence of a solid organizational structure, access to grant funding, technology resource vendors, and on-site technical support will facilitate the success and sustainability of Project PDA. Organizational Change Organizational Change Plan-Part One The use of mobile technology for health care professionals, including personal digital assistants (PDAs) has increased exponentially in both clinical practice and nursing education (Farrell & Rose, 2008). Some evidence exists that the use of a PDA in health care settings may improve decision-making, reduce the numbers of medical errors, and enhance learning for both students and professionals (Nilsson, 2008); for these reasons, the Learning Technology Committee (LTC) at Sinclair Community College (SCC) explored the benefits of nursing students using the PDA at the bedside in the clinical setting.The committee proposed a change, Project PDA, to implement the use of PDA among novice nursing students and faculty. The following paragraphs will focus on the assessment and plan of the Project PDA; and examine the rationale for the change, barriers to change, influences on change, application of a theoretical model and resources available to support t he change initiative. Rationale for Change Healthcare is a dynamic and evolving field of knowledge. Nursing students are trying to learn and implement this large amount of information at a rapid pace.Nursing students are generally unsure of their skills, feel insecure about their knowledge level, and lack self-confidence (Fisher & Koren, 2007). Many advantages have been seen with the use of the PDA, such as time savings, reduction of errors, and ease of use (Miller, Shaw-Kokot, Arnold, Boggin, Crowell, Allegri, Blue, & Berrier, 2005). Through the use of the PDA, it is thought, the nursing student will have reduced stress, fear, and improved self-confidence (Martin, 2007). Students will benefit from gaining immediate access to resources at the point of care, become more efficient, and spend more time focusing on patient care.PDAs will provide a bridge for students to apply theoretical learning to practice and foster the development of critical reasoning skills and professiona l autonomy. Nurse educators will need to develop creatively new, innovative models of teaching to keep up with changing society and technological advances in nursing practice (Jeffries, 2005). Adopting this new technological process will ensure SCC is keeping up with the trends of technology in nursing education. Organizational and Individual Barriers to Change Organizational change is a complicated process and is likely to be met with resistance.According to Borkowski (2005), resistance may originate from two sources: organizational barriers and individual barriers. These barriers threaten to impede change success. In an effort to avoid change failure, management must identify and understand potential barriers to change. Organizational barriers are typically beyond the control of management and may be perceived as insurmountable, which in the early stages of change can prove to be futile (Borkowski, 2005). Two potential organizational barriers to implementing Project PDA are cultur al complacency; and the lack of financial and technology resources.The first barrier was cultural complacency. Spector (2010) suggests that organizational culture may enable and create barriers to change. The nursing department has functioned like a well oiled machine as result of shared values and beliefs among faculty and students; subsequently creating a complacent atmosphere. Management must change the culture of the nursing department to engage faculty and students; and promote behaviors in line with the proposed change. The second barrier was the lack of financial and technology resources.The college was in the midst of a new levy campaign and there were no current funds allocated in the nursing department budget for technology improvements including the purchase of equipment. The college does not own PDAs for the students or faculty to use. No process was in place for technical support if students were to experience challenges with the device. The individual barriers identifi ed included lack of motivation, staff support, and computer competency. Faculty and students may lack motivation if they perceive the change will disrupt the status quo, or the preference for the current situation (Borkowski, 2005).The lack of support and acceptance of the new technology by other clinical staff and faculty is one of the key challenges of implementing new technology into educational programs (Farrell & Rose, 2008). Some students and faculty are computer literate, but many are less familiar and lack experience with computer systems. As a result, it will take time for students, faculty, and clinical staff to become comfortable with using the PDA. Factors of Influence The college’s readiness to change could lead to success or failure.The change itself is not the reason, but the organization’s culture of environment and the employees respect, trust, and attitude toward the management implementing the change (Krause, 2008). The attitudes of faculty and s tudents may directly affect how responsive and committed they will be to the change process. The factors of influence within any organization may originate or draw in part on the quality of leadership (Krause, 2008). The leaders must implement strategies to communicate the value of the change, establish a coalition, and empower all participants to become change agents.Theoretical Model Kurt Lewin’s change theory was the theoretical framework selected for analyzing the change process involved in adopting the use of PDAs in the clinical setting as planned in Project PDA. Lewin’s change theory identified three stages in the change process-unfreeze, move, and refreeze. To unfreeze leaders must create a sense of disequilibrium to motivate change. A pre-pilot survey completed by the LTC revealed students and faculty believed time management was the priority challenge for students in the clinical setting.PDA use is expected to improve time management skills. In stage two, cha nge is implemented. Students and faculty will be required to use the PDA during clinical for access required textbooks and other resources. The final stage, refreeze, the change is cemented into the organization’s culture (Spector, 2010). The LTC will evaluate the change process, communicate progress, maintain support structures, reinforce required behaviors and encourage continued commitment to sustain the change. Internal and External ResourcesBorkowski (2005) noted managers must be certain adequate resources are available to implement change and ensure organizational goals are met. The nursing department at SCC is fortunate to have access to internal and external resources needed to support efforts to implement Project PDA. A strong organizational structure facilitates collaboration within the department. Webinars will be used for faculty and student development. The nursing department secured grant funding to purchase 16 i-Touch devices for faculty. Students will use fina ncial aid to purchase the PDA and software undle. E-book resources will be made available through contracted publishing vendors. Learning and troubleshooting tutorials will be included with the software as well as the Sinclair Help Desk will be available for technical support. Information technology has integrated in the health care delivery systems to include the use of personal digital assistants (PDA) and other computer devices (Fisher & Koren, 2007). Teaching institutions are being challenged to keep up with the trends in technology and meet demands for use of hand held devices.In response to this challenge, SCC proposed to implement Project PDA. Students and faculty will begin using PDAs in the clinical setting. The use of these devices will provide real-time access to important resources enabling medical personnel and students to manage point of care activities more efficiently (Lee, 2006). As a result, students will be less stressed, more confident, and more competent hea lth care providers. Change may be complicated by organizational or individual barriers.The specific barriers were identified as cultural complacency, lack of financial and technology resources, employee motivation, staff support, and computer competency. Organizational change in the nursing department at SCC could be influenced by the nursing department’s readiness for change; and the attitudes of faculty, students, and clinical staff toward the change. The Kurt Lewin change theory was applied to Project PDA examining the three stages of the change process. Leaders at SCC have access to internal and external resources necessary to implement the proposed change.The presence of a solid organizational structure, access to grant funding, technology resource vendors, and on-site technical support will facilitate the success and sustainability of Project PDA. Organizational Change Organizational Change Plan-Part One The use of mobile technology for health care professionals, including personal digital assistants (PDAs) has increased exponentially in both clinical practice and nursing education (Farrell & Rose, 2008). Some evidence exists that the use of a PDA in health care settings may improve decision-making, reduce the numbers of medical errors, and enhance learning for both students and professionals (Nilsson, 2008); for these reasons, the Learning Technology Committee (LTC) at Sinclair Community College (SCC) explored the benefits of nursing students using the PDA at the bedside in the clinical setting.The committee proposed a change, Project PDA, to implement the use of PDA among novice nursing students and faculty. The following paragraphs will focus on the assessment and plan of the Project PDA; and examine the rationale for the change, barriers to change, influences on change, application of a theoretical model and resources available to support t he change initiative. Rationale for Change Healthcare is a dynamic and evolving field of knowledge. Nursing students are trying to learn and implement this large amount of information at a rapid pace.Nursing students are generally unsure of their skills, feel insecure about their knowledge level, and lack self-confidence (Fisher & Koren, 2007). Many advantages have been seen with the use of the PDA, such as time savings, reduction of errors, and ease of use (Miller, Shaw-Kokot, Arnold, Boggin, Crowell, Allegri, Blue, & Berrier, 2005). Through the use of the PDA, it is thought, the nursing student will have reduced stress, fear, and improved self-confidence (Martin, 2007). Students will benefit from gaining immediate access to resources at the point of care, become more efficient, and spend more time focusing on patient care.PDAs will provide a bridge for students to apply theoretical learning to practice and foster the development of critical reasoning skills and professiona l autonomy. Nurse educators will need to develop creatively new, innovative models of teaching to keep up with changing society and technological advances in nursing practice (Jeffries, 2005). Adopting this new technological process will ensure SCC is keeping up with the trends of technology in nursing education. Organizational and Individual Barriers to Change Organizational change is a complicated process and is likely to be met with resistance.According to Borkowski (2005), resistance may originate from two sources: organizational barriers and individual barriers. These barriers threaten to impede change success. In an effort to avoid change failure, management must identify and understand potential barriers to change. Organizational barriers are typically beyond the control of management and may be perceived as insurmountable, which in the early stages of change can prove to be futile (Borkowski, 2005). Two potential organizational barriers to implementing Project PDA are cultur al complacency; and the lack of financial and technology resources.The first barrier was cultural complacency. Spector (2010) suggests that organizational culture may enable and create barriers to change. The nursing department has functioned like a well oiled machine as result of shared values and beliefs among faculty and students; subsequently creating a complacent atmosphere. Management must change the culture of the nursing department to engage faculty and students; and promote behaviors in line with the proposed change. The second barrier was the lack of financial and technology resources.The college was in the midst of a new levy campaign and there were no current funds allocated in the nursing department budget for technology improvements including the purchase of equipment. The college does not own PDAs for the students or faculty to use. No process was in place for technical support if students were to experience challenges with the device. The individual barriers identifi ed included lack of motivation, staff support, and computer competency. Faculty and students may lack motivation if they perceive the change will disrupt the status quo, or the preference for the current situation (Borkowski, 2005).The lack of support and acceptance of the new technology by other clinical staff and faculty is one of the key challenges of implementing new technology into educational programs (Farrell & Rose, 2008). Some students and faculty are computer literate, but many are less familiar and lack experience with computer systems. As a result, it will take time for students, faculty, and clinical staff to become comfortable with using the PDA. Factors of Influence The college’s readiness to change could lead to success or failure.The change itself is not the reason, but the organization’s culture of environment and the employees respect, trust, and attitude toward the management implementing the change (Krause, 2008). The attitudes of faculty and s tudents may directly affect how responsive and committed they will be to the change process. The factors of influence within any organization may originate or draw in part on the quality of leadership (Krause, 2008). The leaders must implement strategies to communicate the value of the change, establish a coalition, and empower all participants to become change agents.Theoretical Model Kurt Lewin’s change theory was the theoretical framework selected for analyzing the change process involved in adopting the use of PDAs in the clinical setting as planned in Project PDA. Lewin’s change theory identified three stages in the change process-unfreeze, move, and refreeze. To unfreeze leaders must create a sense of disequilibrium to motivate change. A pre-pilot survey completed by the LTC revealed students and faculty believed time management was the priority challenge for students in the clinical setting.PDA use is expected to improve time management skills. In stage two, cha nge is implemented. Students and faculty will be required to use the PDA during clinical for access required textbooks and other resources. The final stage, refreeze, the change is cemented into the organization’s culture (Spector, 2010). The LTC will evaluate the change process, communicate progress, maintain support structures, reinforce required behaviors and encourage continued commitment to sustain the change. Internal and External ResourcesBorkowski (2005) noted managers must be certain adequate resources are available to implement change and ensure organizational goals are met. The nursing department at SCC is fortunate to have access to internal and external resources needed to support efforts to implement Project PDA. A strong organizational structure facilitates collaboration within the department. Webinars will be used for faculty and student development. The nursing department secured grant funding to purchase 16 i-Touch devices for faculty. Students will use fina ncial aid to purchase the PDA and software undle. E-book resources will be made available through contracted publishing vendors. Learning and troubleshooting tutorials will be included with the software as well as the Sinclair Help Desk will be available for technical support. Information technology has integrated in the health care delivery systems to include the use of personal digital assistants (PDA) and other computer devices (Fisher & Koren, 2007). Teaching institutions are being challenged to keep up with the trends in technology and meet demands for use of hand held devices.In response to this challenge, SCC proposed to implement Project PDA. Students and faculty will begin using PDAs in the clinical setting. The use of these devices will provide real-time access to important resources enabling medical personnel and students to manage point of care activities more efficiently (Lee, 2006). As a result, students will be less stressed, more confident, and more competent hea lth care providers. Change may be complicated by organizational or individual barriers.The specific barriers were identified as cultural complacency, lack of financial and technology resources, employee motivation, staff support, and computer competency. Organizational change in the nursing department at SCC could be influenced by the nursing department’s readiness for change; and the attitudes of faculty, students, and clinical staff toward the change. The Kurt Lewin change theory was applied to Project PDA examining the three stages of the change process. Leaders at SCC have access to internal and external resources necessary to implement the proposed change.The presence of a solid organizational structure, access to grant funding, technology resource vendors, and on-site technical support will facilitate the success and sustainability of Project PDA.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Employee Rewards System At Marriot Hotels Assignment

Employee Rewards System At Marriot Hotels - Assignment Example †¢ Heart of the house: The positions offered to the employees under this role are housekeeping, kitchen service, security, maintenance and engineering services and information technology where teamwork is essential †¢ Heart of the house: The positions offered to the employees under this role are housekeeping, kitchen service, security, maintenance and engineering services and information technology where teamwork is essential (Marriott International, Inc, 2015c)†¢ Hotel management: The positions offered under this role are Director of Finance, Operations Manager, General Manager, Director of banquets, Restaurant manager and Manager of Security where leadership qualities and guidance is essential to achieve the desired results.Jobs supporting Marriott’s BusinessThe different roles offered for supporting the business:†¢ Jobs at Headquarters: The associates have to manage the portfolio of brands that belong to Marriott; they also have to perform in different s pecialized fields like accounting and finance, operations management, different business disciplines and human resources portraying leadership and supportive skills.†¢ Regional and national jobs: The associates of Marriott working in offices provide support to the business in different countries, continents and regional markets by serving in different areas of marketing and sales, human resources, accounting and finance, risk management, tax planning and working across the globe employing the supporting and leadership skills.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Dissertation has to be on something from the 1900 onwards

Has to be on something from the 1900 onwards - Dissertation Example National Interest, 49, 3 – 9. 21 Abstract The Vietnam War is the singularly most important occurrence in the Cold War era, which was direct military fallout owing to the rising antagonism between the two superpowers, USA and USSR. This was keeping in line with the US anti-communist foreign policies observed during the Cuban Missile Crisis and Berlin Wall episode, and was a part of the various measures undertaken by US at that time to contain communism. However, unlike the Berlin wall and Cuban crises, Vietnam War reflects the ignominious defeat of US, and the price it had to pay in terms of psychological and actual monetary costs, still haunt the American socio-political milieu. The war was the longest in recent history, and stretched from 1955 to 1975, though, US came to be involved in this direct combat not until the early 1960s, and the consequences of this battle registered significantly in the minds of the American general public only during the last few years of the war. This article will analyze the Vietnam War and the far-reaching consequences that this war had in terms of subsequent US domestic and foreign policies. ... This war took place after the  First Indochina War,  and was fought between the communist USSR and its allies that had a stronghold in  North Vietnam; and South Vietnam supported by the anti-communist forces, led by U.S. (Spector,  1993). Vietnam at this time lay divided along the lines of a Communist-ruled North, and the US allied South; after Ho Chi Minh put an end to the French colonial rule in 1954, under the 1954 Green Peace Accords. Drawn just after the Korean War, this Geneva agreement was a temporary settlement accorded to bring peace, mainly on the part of the communist forces. Owing to international pressure put on USSR and the People's Republic of China, its allies in Vietnam agreed to temporarily divide the nation on the seventeenth parallel. Moscow and Peking at that time was not particularly willing to face another confrontation with the anti-communist forces, so soon after the Korean debacle. After the division, the south elected Ngo Dinh Diem, a pro US politic al leader, as their President; leading to direct confrontation between the communist supporters and the anti-communist state authority. With the communist forces trying to unite the country, and the north President’s forces bent on detracting the communist supporters, the tension between the two factions was omnipresent, and it inevitably broke out into, first, an indirect and undercover combat; and later after US intervention, into a full-scale war. The Vietnam People’s Army that engaged in direct combat and relied primarily on territorial warfare, represented North Vietnam; while a communist controlled South Vietnamese faction known as Viet Cong that operated right from the enemy’s territory, helped it to a great extent. The South Vietnamese forces and the anti communist allies

Hand Hygiene of Nurses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hand Hygiene of Nurses - Essay Example Action planning involves active participation in the hand washing process, for example, nurses may list when they are supposed to wash their hands. This was also supported in the study by Nicol,, (2009; Curtis,, 2009) where the authors emphasized the theory of planned behavior. The study revealed that the theory of planned behavior could sufficiently help improve the education and training of nurses in hand hygiene behavior (Nicol,, 2009; Curtis,, 2009). This study was also able to demonstrate that deep-seated habits which are incorporated well into a person’s activities have a significant potential of improving a certain activity or behavior (Nicol,, 2009; Curtis,, 2009). The theory of planned behavior also points out that where individuals unconsciously apply certain activities, they also learn to carry out hand washing activities where necessary (Nicol,, 2009; Curtis,, 2009). This study provides a more in-depth and per sonalized verbalization of how habits and planned activities can lead to better hand washing compliance. The value of planned behavior in the promotion of hand washing was also explored in the study by Curtis, (2009; Nicol,, 2009). The authors were able to establish that hand washing is a habitual behavior and planning it into a person’s life can help ensure that it would always be carried out. This study explored the value of planned and habitual activities which can eventually be incorporated into a person’s life (Curtis,, 2009; Nicol,, 2009). It also relates the value of building habitual behavior in relation to hand washing. Through this study, a holistic and specific picture of hand washing is obtained, including the impact of planned habits and behavior on its compliance.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Impact of telecommunications in the work setting Research Paper

Impact of telecommunications in the work setting - Research Paper Example 1). Another more detailed definition of the term disclosed its meaning as the â€Å"science and technology associated, in general, with communications at a distance. A telecommunications system requires a analog or digital transmitter, a compatible receiver, and a physical (cable or wire) or non-physical (wireless) connection† (Web Finance, Inc., 2013, par. 1). Messerschmitt (1996) revealed that â€Å"the term telecommunications is derived from â€Å"tele†, meaning at a distance, and â€Å"communications†, meaning exchanging of information† (p. 1). If defining the term apparently generated voluminous results, one was more intrigued on how telecommunications have evolved and impacted the contemporary work setting. In this regard, the current discourse aims to present the impact of telecommunications in contemporary work settings, or how telecommunications have significantly shaped the work place. Historical Overview of Telecommunications A discussion on the historical background of telecommunication actually traced its origins from the discovery of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 (von Alven, 1998), 137 years from now. Previous to that, it was interesting to note that forms of communication included fire signals, carrier pigeons, and even a line of canon that relayed relevant messages (von Alven, 1998). Also, other communication patterns such as the Chappe brothers’ semaphore system which â€Å"consisted of movable arms on a pole whose positions denoted letters of the alphabet† (von Alven: Early Beginnings, 1998, par. 1) and the electric telegraph were also noted. Telecommunications in the 21st century has evolved in a rapidly changing pace due to the merging with the computer industry and the emergence of the Internet (Messerschmitt, 1996). As such, it pervaded vast industries and endeavors that transformed diverse facets of the work setting through increased access to information and through the use of ne w technologies and communications facilities that provided new applications in faster, greater and wider scope. The statistics from (2013) presented the changes in market shares of telecommunications in the United States from 2010 to 2015, as shown in Figure 1 below: Figure 1: Changes in Market Shares of US Telecom, 2010 to 2014 Source: Axvoice, 2013 Effect of Telecommunications in the Work Setting Telecommunications have evidently transformed contemporary work settings in terms of eliminating barriers to time, space, and locations. As confirmed â€Å"advances in telecommunications have not only untethered people from desks, but they have also made it possible for people who might traditionally be unable to be in the workforce- such as those who are caring for children, or those who are disabled- to have exciting jobs and contribute to the business community† (Alexis, 2010, par. 7). The evolution of telecommunications have enabled the establishment of diverse work settings, from the traditional office-based work place to varied work centers (Kurland & Bailey, 1999). Due to developments in telecommunications, there emerged four distinct work settings such as home-based; use of satellite offices; the existence of neighborhood work centers; and mobile working (Kurland & Bailey, 1999). This provided greater opportunities for increasing productivity, higher morale, lesser absenteeism, and minimizing costs and expenses. Likewise, through developments accorded by increased access

Friday, July 26, 2019

Employee Rights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Employee Rights - Research Paper Example Failure to adhere to these rights makes it difficult for businesses to accomplish organizational goals. The privacy of employees, Fundamental employee rights are thus a significant factor in a wide range of human resource management issues that small business owners and supervisors face today, including questions concerning employee privacy, policies regarding promotion, inquiries in to the use of drugs by employees, management of employee information, performance appraisals and monitoring as well as freedom of contact with labor unions are some of the issues that human resource managers have to deal with in the contemporary business environment (Joseph 1992). Discrimination in the place of work is one of the issues that are emphasized to a great extent by the federal laws. Employers are supposed to provide equal employment regardless of race, religious affiliation, nationality and sex. Every employee has a right to be treated fairly under these laws. The growing concerns in the manner through which men and women are treated in the work place has made much emphasis to be focused on equal employment opportunities for both sexes, and also equal treatment in terms of remuneration and allocation of tasks. Other recent developments in employee rights are the laws providing for equal employment opportunities for the qualified people who are disabled. In case of discrimination, the federal laws provide for pecuniary damages. All these laws are put into effect by the â€Å"United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission† (Barbara 1997). Labor unions are essential for employees especially through their support for collective bargaining. They are usually not meant to mobilize the employees against the employer, but rather to strengthen their relationship through facilitating employee satisfaction. Employees have a right

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Social Media and Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Social Media and Marketing - Essay Example 54; Zhivov, Scheepers & Stockdale, 2011, p. 1). Academic inquiries into the power of social media in communication has indicated a growing preference of social media as replacement of traditional forms of communication such as mobile telephone communication, the use of e-mails, letter writing, and some forms of internet-based communication. It might be necessary to appraise the power of social media in terms of the kind of synergies that have been brought into the discourse of marketing. The advantages range from the time factor, cost of operation, to convenience and other aspects of communication (Zarrella, 2009, p. 164; Zhivov, Scheepers & Stockdale, 2011). However, some experts have established that the effectiveness of social media is highly dependent on various factors such as timing and the target groups. Studies conducted on the use of social media have shown that there are demographic variations in the manner in which the virtual communities use the internet resource. Matters of age, race, gender, religion, personality, and others determine the demographic variables. These demographic variables determine the trends of usage, the kind of interests in the usage, and the levels of connections. Equally, the levels of education, social status, and geographical reasons have also been shown to affect the manner in which social media is used by different people. Exploiting the opportunities availed by social media for the purposes of communication and marketing requi re a balance of the various factors that relate to its usage. Some businesses have been able to harness the power of social media for effective marketing while others have faced various challenges in the process. According to some marketing experts, the type of business determines the appropriateness of the marketing strategy. However, studies have shown that both the service sector and the products sector have adopted social media marketing to enhance their reach to the client base. Social Media and Marketing Strategies Businesses across the world are increasingly turning to social media as an efficient and cost-effective marketing strategy (Tuten & Solomon, 2012, p. 91). Different businesses have developed varying strategies of using social media for the purposes of marketing. According to some communication experts, the type of reach of social media to vast audiences is determined by the way in which companies package the marketing message. The choice of language and use of graph ic illustrations have been shown as some of the ways that affect the effectiveness of social media marketing. The kind of language used in marketing determines the kind of audience that will be attracted by the advertisement (Tuten & Solomon, 2012). Social media has created a community that is defined by a special kind of language. The language varies from the standard forms in the sense that it defines the standard forms and structures of language. There is a casual sense in the language that enables some ease of communication among those who subscribe to it. The effectiveness of communication is highly dependent on the ability of the company to adopt this language and use it appropriately to achieve its marketing objectives. Marketing and advertisement often targets the conscious and subconscious minds of the target

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analysis of the Various Marketing Channels Term Paper

Analysis of the Various Marketing Channels - Term Paper Example For a marketing channel to be effective, it requires that proper communication is effectively done to avoid poor communication. Communication involves advertising, promotions; electronic-mail, telephone conversations and complaints follow up. To be able to design an effective marketing channel, it is imperative that the business analyze customer needs, set up objectives and also be able to evaluate alternative marketing channels for their organization. In the traditional retail business wholesalers, distributors, retailers, and the consumers are all involved in the transferring process. Storage and shipping is an important aspect of the marketing channel and it takes place at every level of the distribution channel. It is usually facilitated by players such as warehouse agents and freight carriers. Another aspect of the retail business involves the services that are given to the customer and such activities include providing them with adequate information, training them on all aspects of the product, fulfilling any statutory and legal requirements and facilitation of credit services for the customers (Hennig-Thurau and Hansen 2000). Morrison's company was founded in 1899 by William Morrison. It began as a single egg and butter stall in Bradford, West Yorkshire. This company is one of the largest food retailer supermarkets with 375 stores. It mainly deals with food and groceries. Though big, it does not offer its customers an online shopping service which is crucial for the expansion of the business. In addition, it has yet to venture into the financial services market that is essentialThis Company is said to have the same prices in all its stores and this has made it win their customers loyalty. Since it has a relatively small size and regional focus. It promotes most of its own products through using its Farmers, Boy, and product subsidiaries. By the use of the wholesale model, this has proved to be the focal point in generating the company's profits while at the same time, it has maintained low prices. The company depends on its own subsidiaries to provide products and packagings to all its stores.T hey also have their own manufacturing facility which is unique to suit their market. The Morrison's company lays its emphasis on freshness, quality, provenance, in-store production, in-season food and their expression of their deep understanding of food. (Hennig-Thurau and Hansen 2000). The company operates its own manufacturing plant and it does its own distribution because all these channels are well integrated. In this company, they match the retail opening hours in all their stores. This chain of supermarkets also focuses on selling fresh food and also offers an employee discount scheme. Promotional offers are used like "half price "rather than "buy one get one free".

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Decisions in Paradise Part III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Decisions in Paradise Part III - Essay Example Capital One plans to open in Kava four banking branches with full ATM infrastructure across the island and a customer service call center to serve Capital One’s global customers. Factors affecting implementation Several factors affect the implementation plans of Capital One at Kava. The firm needs to identify four possible locations for its banks. The company can either rent several buildings or built its own locations. A problem with constructing the buildings is that it takes time and the bad weather in Kava could cause further delays in the project completion time. The firm can rent the four buildings and perform internal layouts redesigns to prepare the banks following similar layouts used by Capital One in the United States. The company will need to recruit employees for its financial services operation and for the call center. The island may have a shortage of talent in technical fields such as finance and accounting. The firm can import talent from its global operations into Kava. The best option would be to transfer employees from its US operations to Kava. An advantage of this strategy is getting trained employees that know the corporate culture of the firm. A third factor that affect the implementation plan is cultural and language barriers. ... The right locations are necessary to achieve maximum customer traffic. The company has to set up the ATM network across Kava. It should take the company one month to complete installation of the ATM’s. The firm has to recruit the employees for both operations. The company needs approximately 50 workers for the banks and 200 employees to work at the call center. There is a shortage of talent in accounting and finance in Kava. The banks needs employees with a financial background to work in the branches. To solve that problem the firm will transfer employees from its United States branches. To motivate the US workers to apply for a transfer the firm will offer a $25,000 relocation incentive package. Financial incentives are a way to motivate employees (Tutor2u, 2011). The call center requires 200 employees. All the employees will be recruited from the internal talent pool of Kava residents. The recruiting process of employees has a timetable of two months. After hiring the emplo yees these workers need training. The training period for the bank workers is one month and the call centers employees will receive two weeks of training. Due to the unstable weather conditions and the possibility of shutdown due to natural disasters the firm needs to have good Internet infrastructure. The small size of the island makes this island a perfect candidate for the implementation of a Wi-Max network. A Wi-Max network is an IP based wireless broadband technology that can provide wireless access up to 30 miles for fixed station (Wimax, 2011). The Wi-Max network serves several purposes. The network will provide the company with reliable Internet connectivity at all times. The system will serve as an emergency channel for employees to use to connect the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Work-Related Project Analysis Essay Example for Free

Work-Related Project Analysis Essay Note: Usethe same project addressed in the Work-Related Project Analysis, Part II. Consider this as a follow-up, incorporating the transition from design to implementation for selected business system at the department or division level. Write a 1,400- to 2,100-wordpaper describing the development and implementation stages for the situation specified in previous weeks.Include the following:  · A discussion of major activities, including coding, testing, installation, documentation, training, and support.Include specific descriptions of how each activity would be planned for the individual project. Provide reasonable assumptions where needed.  · A discussion of benefits of using defined and repeatable processes for accomplishing these activities for implementation Include 3 to 4 references relevant to the assignment, in addition to the assigned readings. These should relate to the best practices in the area being discussed this week. References should not only provide definitions to  the words used, but also validate your discussion in the paper. Format your paperconsistent with APA guidelines. AS you already know, there are as many ways to succeed in college as their are to fail. The important thing is to know yourself and create a college plan that works for your lifestyle, your learning style and work ethic. Us the tips from the article above to create your own winning c To download this tutorial follow the link AS you already know, there are as many ways to succeed in college as their are to fail. The important thing is to know yourself and create a college plan that works for your lifestyle, your learning style and work ethic. Us the tips from the article above to create your own winning college strategy. Business General Business Individual Work-Related Project Analysis, Part III Resources: Work-Related Project Analysis, Parts I and II Note: Usethe same project addressed in the Work-Related Project Analysis, Part II. Consider this as a follow-up, incorporating the transition from design to implementation for selected business system at the department or division level. Write a 1,400- to 2,100-wordpaper describing the development and implementation stages for the situation specified in previous weeks.Include the following:  · A discussion of major activities, including coding, testing, installation, documentation, training, and support.Include specific descriptions of how each activity would be planned for the individual  project. Provide reasonable assumptions where needed.  · A discussion of benefits of using defined and repeatable processes for accomplishing these activities for implementation Include 3 to 4 references relevant to the assignment, in addition to the assigned readings. These should relate to the best practices in the area being discussed this week. References should not only provide definitions to the words used, but also validate your discussion in the paper.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Essay Example for Free

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Essay Gertrude becomes shocked at what Hamlet has just done Oh me, what hast thou done? here she stands in shock. Gertrude cannot really believe that her own son has committed a ruthless murder. This can be interpreted by Gertrude holding her head in her hands and not wanting to look at Hamlet or the dead body of Polonius. Hamlet tells Gertrude what Claudius has done A bloody deed? Almost as bad, good mother, as kill a king and marry with his brother, she does not want to believe Hamlet as she says, As kill a king? Hamlet on the other hand looks at Polonius as a wretched, rash, intruding fool he pities Polonius. This is because he has always tried to get to the top by methods that have not always proved successful or helpful by indirections find directions out. Now Hamlet turns on Gertrude, he forces her down again and accuses her of having no sense of feeling If damni d custom have not brazed it so, that it be proof and bulwark against sense. He also accuses her of not knowing the meaning of marriage vows makes marriage vows as false as dicers oaths. He then compares the two husbands. He does this to show to Gertrude what she had and what she has now so she sees what a big mistake she made by marring Claudius and not seeing his true self. Hamlet regards his father as one of the Gods Hyperions curls, the front of Jove himself, an eye like Mars, to threaten and command; a station like the herald Mercury he also says where every god did seem to set his seal. Followed by him talking about Claudius like a mildewed ear. Like in many publications Hamlet will have the picture of King Hamlet around his neck in a locket and Gertrude will have the picture of Claudius around her neck in a similar fashion. Afterwards he begins to insult Gertrude about her inability to be in command of her sexual desires. Many people believe that Hamlet is so malevolent towards Ophelia because Hamlet sees Gertrude having no control over her life so he thinks that all women are like that and cannot make up their minds. Another reason is that he subconsciously loves his mother and cannot commit in another relationship. At this point Gertrude realises what she has done Thou turnst my eyes into my very soul, and there I see such black and grainid spots as will not leave their tinct. However she does not want to hear any more and repeatedly tells him to stop Oh speak to me no more. These words like daggers enter my ears . daggers is a reoccurring theme as in Act 3 Scene 3 he says I will speak daggers to her but use none. So in actual fact he achieved his goal. When the ghost appears Hamlet goes quiet and speaks peacefully. He does this as he looks up to and respects his father also he is still quite scared of him even though it is his father it is still a ghost. Additionally Hamlet is worried what it might do to him because Hamlet has been offensive toward his mother, which was not part of the plan. The ghost is dressed in armour, as he was when he was living. The ghost reminds Hamlet of his purpose and tells him to comfort Gertrude This visitation is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose. But look, amazement on thy mother sits. Oh step between her and her fighting soul the ghost says this quietly, almost whispering. This statement shows that even though Gertrude married so soon after his death, King Hamlet still cares for her. Immediately after Hamlet comforts her and asks how she is doing, his tone of voice changes completely as if something just wash over him. Very confused by what just happened she asks Hamlet Wheron do you look? this could imply that Gertrude does not care as much for King Hamlet as Hamlet as she cannot see King Hamlet. It could also mean that King Hamlet would rather not appear before of Gertrude, as he still loves her and would not want to startle or upset her. Hamlet eventually convinces Gertrude that in reality he is not mad and asks for her forgiveness. He does this as he feels, on reflection of what the ghost said, that he was very harsh to Gertrude, also he upset her and is afraid of the ghost. Hamlet subsequently requests Gertrude not to sleep with Claudius and tell him about the conversation and his antic disposition. He threatens Gertrude and becomes quite aggressive again but not as much, Gertrude again becomes a little scared of Hamlet. Gertrude subsequently reassured Hamlet that she would not say anything I have no life to breathe what though hast said to me. Hamlet reveals his plot to kill Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. He tells her this as he feels that she is on his side and he would like to remain as honest and loyal as possible to her. At this point Gertrude has been through so much she does not really take this in and so does not make much of a reaction. The scene ends with Hamlet dragging Polonius body out of the room leaving Gertrude in a solitary moment. The lights dim all is quiet and all that is heard is the rain and the scene will end with a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder. This scene prepares us for what is to come as it gives us an insight into what Hamlet is capable of. Additionally this is the first time a murder has taken place besides King Hamlets murder. This scene contains so many emotions that it is practically a play itself. I believe that the Branagh production worked the best as there was much more emphasis on the important parts of the scene although there was too much violence when killing Polonius. Also Gertrude does more to get away from Hamlet in this film than the others do as she turns away much more when he talks to her about Claudius and her failure to control her sexual feelings. His production also had more emotion to it and showed what was happening much more clearly. This play has proved so popular through the ages as it contains something for everyone, as it ranges from romance to murder. Furthermore everyone can relate to it as it has many components of real life situated within the play, this made it, and made it stay so popular. There is also much more room to interpret the script so every time you see Hamlet performed by a different company you can be assured that you will get a new play each time.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Growth And Evolution Of Tourism Industry

Growth And Evolution Of Tourism Industry The fall of Roman Empire resulted into downfall of tourism, at least till the end of Middle East. The available facts reveal that Roman evinced interest in visiting temples, shrines, festivals and baths for health and amusement. The contours of Development underwent radical change at least till the 15th century. The trade and commerce along with religious activities gained the momentum but till the beginning of industrial revolution, tourism continued to remain the matter of pilgrimage. Of Course a number of developments took place between 15th and 18th centuries. Specially In the industrial world which raised the significance of specialization or expertise for excelling competition. This motivated the elite of the society to go abroad for enriching the knowledge, speeding up the learning cycle developing the excellence and making possible cross fertilization of thoughts and ideas. By the turn of 19th century, we find multifaceted development in transportation, communication and, tec hnological sophistication, which energized the process of industrial transformation. The tourism started developing as a business and the professional Travel agents started taking part in the process. With the beginning of the 20th century the process of invention and innovation stated gaining momentum which made ways for the development of infrastructural facilities and further added new dimensions in tourism business. No doubts, the World War I and World War II obstructed the flow of development but the second half of the 20th century proved to be golden age, since almost all the countries of the world started patronizing tourism as an important economic activity. Thomas cook was of the view that beauty is for the people. The opinion of Mr. Cook generated new dimension in the tourism business, which paved copious avenues for development of tourism as an industry. We cant deny that since the time immemorial travel has been first choice of masses , the qualitative improvement in the process could take place with the participation and co-operation of leading global organization , such as WORLD TOURIST ORGANISATION, PACIFIC AREA TRAVEL ASSOCIATION, INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OFFICIAL TRAVEL ORGANISATION or so With the development of a broader concept, the essence of Tourism further distilled and it was more holistic approach because in the general theory of tourism, Walter Hunziker and Kurt Kraph (1942) considered it both a human As well as economic activity. In 1974, Burkat and Medlik again brushed up this approach since they viewed tourism as a composite phenomenon embracing a whole range of different relationship between travelers and the host popu lation. The intensity foreign exchange requirement was found at its peak and the tourism appeared to all of them an important source to be tapped optimally. In the face of succulent benefit, the developed, less developed and even the Developing countries started assigning due weight age to the tourism industry in their national development agenda. We agree with this view that with tremendous Socio-economic potential, the tourism industry is considered to be an economic bonanza which paves avenues for the Development of a number of allied Industries, such as hotel, communication, banking transportation, trade and commerce or so. In addition, we also consider tourism a potential source for making possible world peace through mutual appreciation and international understanding. In the Indian perspective, we find Seventh Five Year Plan as watershed in the Development of tourism industry. For the first time, the vast potential of tourism as a foreign exchange earner and generator of employment opportunities was recognized. Several policy initiatives were taken to develop the tourism sector In the development of tourism, the public sector has made a significant contribution. Of late, the industry is equipped with a reasonable infrastructural base and is poised for a self-sustained growth. The future growth of tourism is required to be activated with the support of the private sector. The strategy for the development of tourism is required to be designed on the basis of low-cost economy, higher level productivity, efficiency in the use of infrastructure and sophisticated tourist facilities. The tourism industry bounced back from the global economic slowdown of last year with 2011 poised to show a positive growth number. As a matter of fact tourism is one of the largest industries globally, both in terms of size and employment ($5.4 trillion and 8.6 per cent of the global workforce.) Indian tourism industry contributes 6.4% of total GDP. This compares to 3.3% for automotives manufacturing, 4.5% for education and 3.7% for the mining industry. So INR 6.7 billion is contributing from tourism industry in India. PRODUCT PROFILE 1. Holiday as a Base Mass Market, Popular Market 2. Demand as base Primary, Secondary opportunity 3. Geography as a base Cities, Provinces, Regions, Countries 4. Psychography as a base Lifestyle, Personality Motive, Product, Knowledge. 5. Demography as a base Age, Sex, Occupation, Class, Religion. 6. Socio-economic of base Rich, Poor, Rural, Urban, Literate, Illiterate 7. Purpose as a base Business Travel, Cultural Tourism, Common Interest 8. Age as base Kids, Teens, Youths, Young, Married, Single. The holiday base focuses or attention on the fact that long-distance tours require availability of more leisure hours. The holiday market is classified in terms of demand. The different categories are, the mass market, the popular market and the individual holiday market. The mass market involves largest number of- vacationists who generally travel in long groups. They prefer all-inclusive tours. The users belong to the conservative group in which we find skilled and semi-skilled workers, blue-collar employees as the potential users. The users are generally class one and class two groups, pensioners and retired people. The individual holiday market involves social group-A7 like corporate chairman and senior executives. We find an apparent change in the behavioral profile of different categories in the holiday base. Another base is purpose in which we find business travel market, cultural tourism market, common interest tourism market and conference and convention. The demand base classifies markets into primary tourism market, secondary tourism and opportunity tourism. The geographic base includes lifestyle, personality, motives, product and knowledge. The demography base covers age, sex occupation, class and religion. The socioeconomic base makes classification like rich, poor, rural, urban, literate and illiterate. The age-base classifies markets for kids, teens, youths, young married and old people market. The aforesaid small segments simplify the task of tourist professionals. They know about the changing needs and requirements of different segments and innovate their strategic decisions accordingly. The development of marketing resources in tune with the changing levels of expectations make the ways for the stimulation of demand and simplify the task or marketers. It is in this context that we need to segment the market for the different allied industries helping the tourism industry in many ways. Designing a Package Tour In the process of formulating a sound product strategy, there are a number of factors to be given due attention. The designing of a package tour occupies a place of outstanding significance. For the profitable marketing of tourism services, it is pertinent that the different components of product are managed in a right fashion. This gravitates our attention on the offering of a package holiday product which necessitates management of the following factors. Destination The development of destination or tourist sites has a far-reaching impact on attracting the tourists. It is essential that destination or the tourist sites are easily accessible. This necessitates safe, fast and reliable transportation facilities hither and thither the tourist sites. To be more specific for promoting world tourism or attracting the foreign tourists, it is essential that the flying time is made proportionate. The site should be clean, the beaches should be sandy, sun-shine should be certain, the entertainment facilities at the site should be of quality the site should be safe to walk about, the local people should be friendly, the tour operator, the travel guides and others should have competence of speaking English and other regional languages. These facilities at the destination would add attractions. Management of Airport While managing the tourism product, the airports are required to be managed carefully. The airport should be local and convenient. The arrangement for car parking should be safe and adequate. It should not be congested but it should be spacious. In addition, the shopping facilities should be duty free. The airport should be clean and the vehicles should be available so that tourist doesnt face any trouble. Besides, the security arrangement should be tight to protect the passengers and their valuables. The aesthetic management occupies a place of significance in the very context. Airlines The flights should maintain the time schedule otherwise a dislocation may invite multifaceted problems, not only to the tourists but even to the airport authorities. The services should be reliable, good and polite. The sophisticated modern aircrafts of new generation should be included in the fleet to attract the tourists. The safety record should also be up to mark to remove the fear psychosis or psycho-fobia. Road and Rail Transportation For the tourists preferring to travel by buses of railways, it is significant that the stations are well managed. The booking and reservation counters should be managed scientifically. The enquiry should be controlled by efficient and well behaved staff. The safety arrangement should be adequate to counter the law and order signposts should be positioned at right places to help the travelling passengers. Hotels For managing the hotel services, it is essential that we are also careful to the hotel accommodation facilities. It is pertinent that hotels are easily accessible to the tourist sites or beaches or shops. The hotel personnel trustworthy and competent enough to speak English and other regional languages. They are supposed to be friendly. The management of facilities at hotels need due care. Though the standard of services, amenities and facilities depend upon the grade of hotels still it is essential that hotels offer the promised services to the users. The gap between the services-promised and service-offered should be bridge over. The hotels should be well maintained, the decor should be attractive; possibly a fair mix of eastern and western culture, the atmosphere should be calm and quiet; specially at the night time, public rooms should be adequate in number, the swimming pool should be neat and clean where inflow and outflow of water should be scientific to protect the danger of water contamination or pollution. There should be bar with good range of drinks. The bedrooms should be spacious in which balcony facilities should be made available. The childcare services should also be made available. Particularly at the beach resorts, the sea view should be possible with all rooms, in-room telephonic services should be available, in, and room-TV should be provided. There should be adequate cupboard space. The hangers should be attractive and artistic, toilets should be neat and clean and well equipped with east and west provisions. The lighting and ventilation arrangements should be adequate. The intensity of light at different points should be given due weightage. While managing hotels, the restaurants and cafeterias also need due care. The restaurants and cafeterias should be well managed. The food and drinks should have taste-orientation. The varieties of meals and drinks should be available. The seating arrangements should be comfortable, the meal should be flexible and the hotel personnel should be polite and friendly. Resort Representatives Regarding representatives of resort, they should be-knowledgeable friendly, accessible and competent. Miscellaneous In addition, the fellow travelers should be like-minded. The main thing is to make the tour pleasant and memorable. If the tourists have companionable fellow travelers, the journey would of course remain memorable. The aforesaid facts make it clear that being an amalgam of a number of industries and services, the tourism industry is known as a multi-segment industry in which the designing of a package which proves its instrumentality as a motivational force is found a bit difficult and challenging. It requires professional excellence so that we are in a position to assess the changing levels of expectations of the guests/tourists and all the required amenities and facilities are made available to help tourists to go to the destination, to enjoy and to come back safely. The tour operators and transport operators bear the responsibility of formulating a package tour and therefore they should have world class professional excellence to know and understand their changing needs and requirements. The services are related to a number of industries managed by others and therefore, the tour operators and transport operators managing the affairs should make it sure that whatever the promises they have made on behalf of hotels, airways, railways, roadways are not to be distorted. This is likely to project the image of tour operators and therefore a gap between the services-promised and services-offered would make the task difficult. It is against this background that designing of a package tour occupies a place of outstanding significance and all the allied industries making the package are required to be careful that they are not inviting degeneration. DEMAND DETERMINATION OF THE INDUSTRY You should know this fact that India is such a country which is rich in beautiful and amazing places. Some places are god created whereas some are manmade. But in spite of having unbeatable tourism potential, lesser number of tourists visit different destinations of India for which it is known. Though Government authorities are continuously paying attention towards the growth of the tourism industry but still it is lacking the attention of a good number of travelers. It is a fact that tourism industry is contributing a large amount to the total GDP of the country so governments want to attract a good number of tourists to India. But Indian tourism is lacking a good number of tourists. This may be due to various reasons. Some of the important reasons are: PRICE:- While time and price are self-explanatory, pricing is an art in itself and requires careful study as part of corporate policy. Price is the most powerful single variable in the marketing mix. But it does not operate in isolation. Value for money, albeit at different levels, is imperative. The product must be in demand or fashionable. It may be in short supply. Competition can be weak or strong, affecting achievable rates. The wide variety of airline and hotel rates for basically the same product at different times and conditions of sale reflect these characteristics. The market may be very price sensitive, as in the case of traffic from Northern European urban areas to Mediterranean beaches where there is a strong competition and a wide choice. There are also resorts and their establishments offering exclusive attractions, justifying a premium price. Price discounting and discrimination, and segmentation, in the market has always been a feature in travel services. The historic rule is to charge what the market will bear. The product is highly perishable and cannot be stored. It is necessary normally to appeal to a number of different segments. The railways invented first-, second- and third-class travel on scheduled services. When capacity exceeded demand, excursions and package tours were invented, the purpose being to sell to capacity and maximize the yield or return. Prices can be lowered segment by segment. But the marketing task is to ensure that cheap traffic does not drive out or invade the higher price and regular clientele. Airlines, for example, offer Saturday night stopover fares at half or less than full fare, on the assumption that full fare paying travelers, notably business travelers, will not stay over the weekend. In times of crisis or recession, special rates apply. In fact, recession has always been the mother of invention in tourism, giving rise to new initiatives that created new movement. Packages, cruises, specialist tours are all examples. Indeed many hotels have created events to attract business. Tactical plans must be highly flexible, short term and changing to meet the varying tides in demand, especially seasonal change. Economic and political perturbations usually unexpected, can alter trade suddenly and sometimes with great force. Currency devaluation, the Gulf War and the severe recession of 1991 in world markets are examples. The strategic plan with its long-term marketing implications needs consideration with the development plan. As marketing has a key role in product formulation the plan must select market segments. For example, it may give priority to quality and higher priced services, which will affect the investment in equipment to provide luxury items. It will be important to select segments that fit together. At a later stage in preparing the marketing plan, a detailed product/market match exercise will be necessary. The early resort promoters understood the selective approach very well. There were from their inception select resorts, usually quiet, small and patronized by the upper classes and higher spenders, and large, gregarious resorts which were popular centers for lower class visitors. THE SUPPLY DETERMINANTS:- There are supply determinants, ranging from absolutes such as under- or overcapacity to infrastructure weakness, e.g. transport bottlenecks and health and security dangers or political instability. Such factors can seriously limit or even destroy for a time a tourist destinations reception capacity. The marketing plan will take such factors into account. SEGMENTATION AND MOTIVATION:- Two key aspects of the third demand determinant consumer preference need careful study. Indeed the success of the whole marketing operation depends on this. They are segmentation and motivation. Tourisms mass expansion takes many different forms. It is a heterogeneous not a homogeneous movement, made up of many different types of traveler, seeking a wide range of tourism products. Thus the mass movement divides up into a number of segments, each differing from the others and needing a separate approach in sales, servicing and product provision. There are many possible divisions and subdivisions which can be made usefully in planning, but essentially the segmentation task is to identify specific groups in the travelling population interested in the same type of facility and service. The group identified must be large enough to warrant separate marketing or production attention, to make a specialist approach profitable. It must also be possible and practical to reach this section of the population in an effective way. This means that the group should not be too dispersed, and that there should be efficient media and distribution channels enabling the producer to reach the customer at a reasonable marketing cost. There are a number of criteria and categories in segmenting the total market. POOR ARRANGEMENTS OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE TOURISTS:- Even after making lots of effort in improving qualities of the comforts for the tourists, it is said that the transportation system still requires to be improved. Tourists from outside India want to enjoy their tour with comforts in all respect and they are ready to pay for all these facilities. So it is essential to offer the best transport facilities for the tourists in order to attract more and more tourists. NON-STANDARDIZATION OF FARES AND RATES:- There are not any standard fares and rates for the transportation. Due to this tourists face lots of problem. Most of the travel agencies want to earn more and more especially from the tourists outside India. This ultimately gives a bad impression of India on outsider. IMPROPER MAINTENANCE OF HERITAGES:- With the advancement of tourism industry in India, numbers of heritages and resorts are built at different destinations in order to avoid inconvenience to the tourists. But most of the heritages are not maintained properly and these things are disliked by the tourists especially from outside India. LACK OF SECURITY AND CHANCES OF HARASSMENT:- If we talk about the security of the tourists, it is little bit weak. We cant say with full confidence that the tourists who tour to India are secured completely. LACK OF TRAINED AND PASSIONATE PROFESSIONALS:- Due to lack of trained and passionate professionals, tourists dont enjoy and get satisfied fully. LACK OF PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES:- Indian tourism must adopt a good number of promotional strategies which will help in attracting a large number of tourists. ABSENCE OF HYGIENIC AMENITIES IN THE RESORTS AND HOTELS:- Though there are numbers of hotels and resorts but most of them lack in hygiene especially in the basic amenities which they offered to the tourists. PLAYERS IN THE INDUSTRY TOURISM COMPANIES MARKET SHARES Prime Travels Thomas Cook India SOTC tours Cox Kings Club Mahindra Holidays Kuoni Travel Group, India Galileo International Goodwind Travels Pvt. Ltd Airtravel Enterprise India Compass Tours India KEY ISSUES AND CURRENT TRENDS Tourism as one of the important foreign exchange earning industries has manifested great potential of growth under liberalized Indian economy. To attract the foreign tourists in India, liberal policies and reduction in taxes along with a comprehensive package for attracting tourist and foreign investment are the need of the hour. There is also a need to increase the governments role in promoting India as a brand. Just like exports and other sectors, tourism will grow only if the India brand is established in the global market. Hence, we must have an open mind on alliances with other countries, which might help in adopting better promotion strategies, marketing, services and packaging. Only overall growth can help in improving revenue generation, which needs to grow in line with the additional capacity being setup by the hospitality industry. Present Position of Tourism Industry in India:- It may be mentioned here that the Government of India had no Tourism Policy for more than forty years since the initiation of planning in the country in1951. Consequently, no efforts were made to lay down any sort of infrastructure for the promotion and development of tourism industry in the country. As a matter of fact, the country, after independence, had to pay serious attention towards increasing food production and laying down infrastructure for industrial development. On both the fronts, the country made tremendous progress and became leader of the developing nations. In order to achieve targets of faster economic growth, a number of Public Sector Enterprises were set up including India Tourism Development Corporation. However, no worthwhile progress was made in developing tourism in accordance with tourism potential of the country. It was only in 1992 that a tourism policy was laid down by the Government of India. As far as total revenue to the Government of India is concerned, tourism is the third largest source of foreign exchange earnings to the country after garments, gems and jewelry. India has tremendous potential to earn more foreign exchange because it has a huge and diverse potential for tourism ranging from pilgrimage tourism, beach tourism, eco-tourism, spiritual and health tourism to leisure and adventure tourism. The amazing diversity offers tourists everything they want to enjoy from a holiday but still we could not capitalize on the huge variety of amusements offered by our country. In order to attract the influx of tourists in the years to come, the Government of India has allocated US $590 million for the tourism sector for the period of 2002-07. While the global tourism market has shown negative growth, tourist arrivals in India have improved a little in the recent past. This is a positive indication but much more can be done to promote inbound tourism in India. In brief in I ndia, the tourists feel insecure and irritated on account of unwanted paper work, time consuming compliance of various rules and regulations, customs and immigration formalities, currency convertibility, beggars, tipping, bargaining, environmental pollution, transport problem, high rates and taxes etc. Beggars are such a nuisance that they are visible almost at all tourist spots, hotels, shopping centers, markets, monuments, places of worship, railway stations and bus stands. They constantly follow the visitors and there have been occasions that the tourists are so much irritated that they cut short their visits, shopping and spending. The tourists, thus, ignore India to avoid hassles and prefer other destinations where the specter of poverty and its manifestation like begging do not spoil their holiday spirit. Thus, Indias third largest foreign exchange earning industry is beset with a large number of problems. These problems have been examined in greater details in the pages that follow. RECENT CHALLENGES OF TOURISM INDUSTRY IN INDIA:- During the last few years tourists have witnessed good amount of violence and killing almost in every country including India. Kashmir, historically known as Heaven on the Earth, appears to be deserted on account of terrorism and violence. A large number of tourists, who used to visit and stay for a longer period in the Kashmir valley, do not tour the State of Jammu Kashmir for fear of violence and aggression. The business travelers also schedule their business trips only when it is absolutely essential. In fact, terrorism and violence have become the first and the foremost problem for tourists everywhere and India is no exception. The problem has assumed such alarming proportions that the world community must find its last in solution. The injustices done to the people in various parts of the world have result in great damage to tourism industry all over the world Tourists, especially of the developed countries; have been avoiding such destinations where there is any chance of viol ent activities against them. The problem has become so acute that the Governments in UK and the USA, in the recent past, had to issue travel advisories to their tourists. Though these travel advisories were, later on, withdrawn but the damage had already been done. India is not a preferred destination now for most of the Western tourists who spend, from our standards, a lot of money on tourism. Tourists are also irritated on account of unwanted paper work, time was the compliance of rules and regulations in India. In addition to customs and immigration formalities, language barriers are also the major problems faced by the foreign visitors. The difficulties of entry and exit too spoil half of the holiday charm. Again, our poor infrastructure, shortage of packaged tours, lack of connectivity between places, lack of transportation, our failure to create mass awareness throughout the world, polluted environment, discriminating economic and social behavior, inadequate and inexperienced staff, uneasy current convertibility and lack of multi-linguistic guides come in their way of pleasant tour and make the foreign tourists reluctant to come to India. PEST Analysis The Indian tourism industry has seen rapid growth in the last few years. Before any kind of analysis is undertaken, it is important to find out what are the main environmental influences that have lead to this growth and how the extent to which the changes are occurring. This is important because the change in these factors can have significant effect on the way the industry performs. These environmental influences can be analyzed by using the PEST Analysis. The PEST Analysis within its parameters indicates the importance of the political, environmental, social and the technological changes on the industry. a) Political / Legal Political The political factors are the main force of the industry. The Indian tourism industry is built on the backbone of Government support and the industry cannot sustain itself without it. The various archaeological sites and the places of historical importance, the roads and the railways are all in the hands of the Government. All the support services like the hotel industry, the airlines industry and the tourist operators to name some are heavily dependent on the support and the cooperation of the Government. The major reason as to why the tourist visits India is for the vast and rich heritage that our country has .That is under the control of the Government through the Archaeological Survey of India. Any policy change that comes into force can have dramatic effect on the way the industry players perform. For example, the Government charges high rates of taxes on the luxury and the star category hotels and this has always been a cause of disagreement between. The hotel association and h as been getting many incentives and many has been getting the government .There are many areas where the growth of tourism has not been rapid or has been dramatic fall because the political environment has been conductive. Examples are the North East for the former and Kashmir for the later. The neglect of the Government in Developing the North East leads to a situation where there is practically no tourism in the seven. Similarly, the political turmoil in the state of Kashmir has seen the virtual decimation of the flourishing tourism industry. The Heaven on Earth is A virtual hell for the industry. There has been a major change in the policies of the Government as regard to the industry. The hotel industry has been getting many incentives and many State Government are encouraging the growth of major hotels in their states. After years of tight control over airport infrastructure, Government has finally taken the decision to privatize the airport. Cobwebs and even rats were the frequenters in the arrival lounge at a major international airport of India . It is the only way to improve their condition. Tourism has been a Neglected sector in India .Though it was recognized As a priority sector in the Seventh Five Year Plan but hardly anything was done to promote this industry. Recently, the BJP Government has even dropped it from the National agenda. It is t

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Christian World Viewpoint Essay -- christian, viewpoint, god

Having never considered much about world views until after visiting a Christian world view camp, I wanted to know more about mine. As a Christian, naturally I would have a Christian world view, but I did not really know what that meant. I did not think much about the nature of God, or man, or even the cause of evil and suffering. Although I did not doubt my Christianity, I only doubted my knowledge of it, and ability to defend the Christian faith. I knew the root of all suffering came from sin, and that since Adam and Eve sinned, all man is burdened with sin. However, people are able to have a loving relationship with God if we trust in Jesus. Often time’s people portray God as a distant, but extremely powerful being that only smites the evil and mildly rewards the righteous. People holding that view could not be more incorrect. In James 4:8 it says, â€Å"Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you,† and in Romans 5:8 it says, â€Å"But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.† These verses do not show God as a cold hard sky dwelling creature, but a loving personal God that desires a personal relationship with all people. â€Å"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day.† (Genesis 1:31) God created the universe good, and good it remains. Since humans sinned, not animals, or planets, or stars, naturally, humans are inherently evil, not the universe. However, man has corrupted this world with evil, so when Jesus returns, He has promised to create a new heaven and earth. â€Å"For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, (Mark 7:21)†. Even though God created man as... ...g that has now claimed your allegiance. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. (Romans 6:17-18)† Works Cited 2 Corinthians. A Searchable Online Bible in over 100 Versions and 50 Languages. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2013. Genesis. A Searchable Online Bible in over 100 Versions and 50 Languages. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. "James 4:8." Holy Bible: New International Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005. N. pag. Print. John. A Searchable Online Bible in over 100 Versions and 50 Languages. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. Mark. A Searchable Online Bible in over 100 Versions and 50 Languages. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. Romans. A Searchable Online Bible in over 100 Versions and 50 Languages. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013.

The Modern Renaissance Essay -- Renaissance Time Period

Modern science, philosophy, religion, and art. These were all affected by the Renaissance. It changed the lifestyles and thoughts of most people. One of the major influences of these changes was the idea of natural law. The idea came from the Humanists, who believed in the power of the mind.. People started referring to the ancient Greeks' and Latins' ways of thinking. They believed these philosophers' ideas and beliefs were all one needed to live an effective and moral life. Soon, the children were being taught about the Greek philosophies and ways. These new teachings sparked a new intellectual era. A new way of life was here. It involved independent thinking, constant improvement, and a more realistic approach. Art was transformed. This new art was realistic, it looked thre...